Diploma Thesis and Final State Exam ****************************************************************************************** * Diploma Thesis ****************************************************************************************** Thesis Defence is one of the three parts of Final State Exam. Topic of Diploma thesis should be registered until the end of June in the second semester. e-mail your filled registration form [ URL "OHSDEN-31-version1-registration_form_2020.docx Jana.Markupova(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz [ MAIL "Jana.Markupova(zavinac)fhs.cuni.cz"] and send t secretary of our study program. Before you start working on your thesis and before you want to hand it in, please see Gene [ URL "OHSDEN-31-version1-dp_guidelines_2017.pdf"] . In contact with your narrators, please use solely this Informed consent for processing and personal and sensitive data [ URL "OHSDEN-31-version1-consent_2021.docx"] , which reflects transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the ‘GDPR from May 25th 2018. If you need an inspiration to find your topic, you may take a look at our (already defende theses [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/dipl_st/index.php?odeslano=1&fak=11240&ustav= KOHSD&druh_studia=&dobor=&vedouci=&stupr=&fulltext=&fulltext_kde[]=nazev&skr=&skr_obhajeni and even browse through all of them in the Thesis Repository [ URL "http://is.cuni.cz/weba lang=en&tab_searchas=basic"] . ****************************************************************************************** * Final State Exam ****************************************************************************************** Final State Exam is the last study obligation and it is composed from three parts: 1.Thesis Defence 2.Contemporary History Research: Theory and Practice 3.Contemporary History in the Czech and International Context Final State Exam Requirements are listed here [ URL "OHSDEN-31-version1-final_state_exam_2 And what comes after your Final State Exam...? Your graduation!